Friday, January 30, 2009

EYE ON EBAY---------Over-inflated clams

Uncompromising shrieky skronk from America in thrall to the muse of discordia. We're at music's funeral and in the threnody is the therapy. Inflatable Boy Clams is hotly sought after by those who appreciate that which cannot be whistled. Twice what I paid for my copy.


The magic of the Go Betweens has not dimmed it seems. Constantly acclaimed by the critics they never realised the commercial success they deserved. Ipman 13's incredible array of rare records threw this gem into the ebay ring, Karen / Lee Remick on the Able Label, which I'd never seen before. Bidding was strong and the eventual winner sacrificed nearly £200 to acquire this excellent early single.

EYE ON EBAY------Mouse Thaws

Mint copy of the Deep Freeze Mice's debut LP vanishes into the hazy hills of high prices. £205.78, my jaw has carpet burns. I remember getting this monumental chunk of Alan Jenkins madness for £30 in a second-hand record shop in Ipswich back in the mid 1990's. And it had the booklet which had a recipe for grilled salamanders or something. If you ever have a dinner invite around ours, think twice.