Friday, October 16, 2009

EYE ON EBAY-----El of a way to go

It always surprises me that the El label doesn't attract more interest. A bastion of eccentric musical outpourings of a very British nature El consciously dodged the mainstream eighties music scene so successfully their accountants would have needed the creativity of Mozart to have kept them in the black. This very excellent Would Be Goods single, the band are one of my girlfriend's favourites, mustered no more than £6.50 in the ebay arena.

EYE ON EBAY------Claim on

Something from Medway that isn't Billy Childish, the Claim are much revered among indiepop types who have reacted positively to their inner mod. A single called Loser's Corner, could that be an ode to unlucky ebay bidders? Only if the band were prone to premonitions as this was released long before ebay. Sold for £14.99, a fairly low price.

EYE ON EBAY-------Seize the day

A £26.36 smash and seize for this fine spiky effort by the Seize. Thirteen bids were spread between seven bidders.