Saturday, September 20, 2008


Will ebay be flooded with the Clive Culbertson single Time To Kill after it sold for an astonishing £152? This is the Rip Off release, not the later Logo version. Both failed to ensnare that fickle beast fame and poor Clive remained on the fringes of the music scene for many years. The seller was atgreatfm, a formidable Greek collector who I've tussled with in the past; specifically over the Bullseye single and I lost. Warning: in an auction atgreatfm never gives up.


45 Revolutions said...

You never bid against atgreatfm. It's the first law of eBay. He has the SINGLE BEST collection of UK 76-82 punk/indie gear in the world, hands down, far-and-away.

Rupert Cook said...

He has legendary status in Minus Zero records in Portobello. That's where I found out that he always gets his prey, whatever the cost.

45 Revolutions said...

He's been buying since '77. Shit, he's even been writing to bands and getting demos since then. He even has my stuff from 1980, with letters and everything.

Other people have different almost-impossibilities to solve (the Big Bang, a cure for cancer, running cars on sea-water etc) but mine is to find records for him which he doesn't already have...