Monday, February 23, 2009

EYE ON EBAY------Sarah, the rare and the rarer

Here's a selection of Sarah records which sold recently on ebay.

First up the reasonably rare Come Get Me by the 14 Iced Bears. This is the fifth release on the legendary label by a band represented on several labels during their existence.

Here is the Orchids very fine single I've Got A Habit. This is the Bristol based label's second release and I remember paying £18 for this in MVE nearly twenty years ago. Poor old Vanbrugh had to part with £77.

And finally the single that started it all. Sarah 1, the utterly essential Pristine Christine by the Sea Urchins. Many would argue that Sarah never equalled this debut release. This fell a few pence short of £70. That's £70 well spent.


45 Revolutions said...

"Pristine Christine" was always my favourite Sarah record. I apologised about this to Clare once.

eBay again: you gotta love how the Orchids single pulls in more money than "Pristine Christine". What's that all about??

Rupert Cook said...

I thought that was bizarre. Perhaps the Orchids single doesn't turn up as frequently though I'm sure it was on ebay some years back and it only went for around £50.

I don't think Clare was too happy when I said that Sarah had started to lose its way around Sarah 60. I gave up buying their stuff around Sarah 74 then decided I had to own all the singles a few years later and ended up paying £10 for Boyracer singles. Luckily when the girlfriend moved in several years ago she had a few of the singles I never bought at the time.